Lets Talk About Your Concerns with Smart Homes

5 min readAug 12, 2019


Just a decade ago, the idea of controlling your home through your smartphone seemed like something pulled out of a science fiction novel. But the past few years is proof that a connected home can exist in more than just a techie’s dream.

Today, with just a tap of our smartphone or the sound of our voice, we’re capable of controlling the lights, opening and closing the shades, and even changing the temperature in any room in our homes.

It’s safe to say that the concerns over smart home technology isn’t over what it’ll be capable of in the future, but rather issues that the technology currently faces, such as scaling, bugs/reliability, and privacy amongst other things. Here at Josh.ai, we’re focused on a great smart home experience, and are working on many things to address these sorts of concerns.

Problem #1: Privacy

Having a completely connected home helps reassure homeowners that their home is as protected as it can be from intruders and unwelcomed guest. The downside is that you then lose your privacy. Whether it’s Amazon Alexa listening in on your conversations or Google installing hidden microphones to “improve the service,” you’ll never truly be alone in your smart home with these devices.

Josh’s Solution: Our number one priority here at Josh is our customers. That means keeping your conversations with Josh private. Josh.ai will never share data with third-parties for marketing purposes. All data is used to make the customer experience better. That said, Josh also gives users the option to opt-out of all data collection or even delete specific logs on their own. It’s totally up to them. It’s just that simple.

If you want to learn more go ahead and check out our privacy policy here: https://www.josh.ai/privacy#1

Problem #2: Too Many Options

With so many smart devices to choose from in any single department— lights, shades, and music players — and thousands of reviews to comb through, it’s hard to even know where to start in your journey in transforming your home into a smart home.

Josh’s Solution: We only work with the best smart devices that companies around the world has to offer. Prospective partners are evaluated based off of their product mix, quality of work, and passion for innovation. This ensures that your search is narrowed down to only the best of the best.

Start your search here where we’ve listed all the quality devices that Josh is compatible with: https://www.josh.ai/devices

Yamaha and Josh.ai team up to provide custom integration for Yamaha’s AV Voice Receiver

Problem #3: Device Compatibility

Imagine purchasing your favorite smart locks, security cameras, and shades, only to find out that they don’t automatically work together. Although almost every smart device connects to a companion smartphone app, the best experience is being able to open a single app or use any single service that enables you to manage and control ALL of the smart devices in your home.

Josh’s Solution: The Josh app is designed to give you complete control over all the smart devices in your home. The app has a beautiful and easy-to-use user interface that allows you to control everything from the lights and shades to the music and thermostats. If that’s not enough, the app has a built in AI assistant for you so just tap and talk to control your home from anywhere in the world.

Problem #4: Hard to Control

The most common complaint with families trying to adopt smart home technologies is that they hate feeling confined to an app on their phone to control their homes. As great as it is being able to set the temperature or control the lights from anywhere in the world, it can also be a chore to have to track your phone down every time you want to make a simple adjustment when you’re actually at home.

Josh’s Solution: Josh is an AI assistant that is built into the Josh Micro to give you advance voice control of your home, immersing you in a truly connected home experience. The micro is also equipped with a power far-field microphone array, providing you with simple hands-free assistance from anywhere in your house.

Problem #5: Installing Devices

It’s not easy setting up a smart home … correctly at least. Smart devices are fragile, their connection breaks all the time and it takes a great deal of effort to configure. Unless you spend your life doing this, chances are that you’ll be needing assistance from a third party.

Josh’s Solution: We devote an entire team to make sure that our dealers are properly trained to install and teach you about Josh. Again, you are our #1 priority and so we want to give you the best smart home experience. If any issue arises with Josh or other smart devices, we have a devoted support team that will get you helps as soon as possible to resolve your problem.

Problem #6: Reliability

The goal of a smart device is to add some convenience to your life, not the other way around. Over and over again, we see consumers frustrated with smart technology randomly activating or incorrectly executing a command or simply not responding. The frustration is well-deserved, especially when the issue persist.

Josh’s Solution: We pride ourselves on innovating and constantly improving our voice capabilities based on the variations of diction, syntax, and accents we encounter with our clientele. Our mantra is simple: users shouldn’t need to be trained on how to use their machine, the machine should learn how to work with its users. Using voice to control your home may feel a little weird at first, but you’ll soon find yourself relying on Josh more and more (maybe too much).

You’re Our #1 Priority

Our goal with Josh is to give our users a reliable, luxurious smart home experience that’s brings some convenience into their lives. That means everything from providing direct support when things go wrong to listening to our clientele about what features are missing to constantly think about ways we can make the user experience better. If we aren’t doing any of that then we aren’t doing our jobs.

This article was written by Matt at Josh.ai in Santa Monica, where he focuses on design and front-end web development. He is currently studying for his Bachelors of Science in Computer Science at the University of California, Los Angeles. Matt loves to spend his free time hanging out with friends and trying everything that LA has to offer.

Josh.ai is an artificial intelligence agent for your home. If you’re interested in learning more, visit us at https://josh.ai.

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