— Meet the Team: Lauren

3 min readNov 22, 2022


Name: Lauren

What do you do at Josh? Level 1 Tech Support Agent

Where are you from originally? I was born in Florida, but have moved around so often that I consider Seattle my true home!

Which office do you work in? I work from the downtown Denver office.

What do you love about the smart home? My favorite thing about the smart home is how it can eliminate life’s most tedious tasks. I hate getting out of bed to turn off a light or to check that I locked the doors. Smart homes allow you to do that from anywhere!

What are you most excited about over the next few years? I recently moved to Denver, so I’m eager to explore the city more and set down some roots. Now that I’ve started at Josh and I’m working in downtown Denver, I’m excited to be looking into purchasing a home!

iPhone or Android? iPhone everything!

What do you do for fun? Anything outdoors! I’m sure I hiked practically every trail in Washington state and look forward to completing as many as possible in my new state of Colorado.

If you could go anywhere, where would it be? I am obsessed with the idea of swimming with pigs in the Bahamas. I have traveled a lot throughout the years, but have yet to find my way down there!

Favorite restaurant in the world? There is a tiny mom-and-pop Buldak shop that I fell in love with when I was traveling in South Korea. They make the best fire chicken I have had and always would sprinkle some extra cheese on my plate when I went in!

Favorite IoT / smart home product? I’m in love with smart home lighting! Being able to easily set the mood in space by changing the color of a Ketra or Phillips Hue bulb is not only fun, but also can make any scary movie night that much more frightening.

What is your favorite feature of Josh? My favorite Josh feature so far is the degree of privacy built into the system. I love technology, but am always concerned about how much of my information is being collected. Josh has given me peace of mind by putting my privacy first.

Favorite books/reading material/websites? My favorite book is probably Jurassic Park or Silence of the Lambs. Any book-to-movie adaptation is a guaranteed read for me! is an artificial intelligence agent for your home. If you’re interested in learning more, visit us at

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