How to Prank Your Family With Josh

4 min readJun 29, 2020


National Sales Director Chad gets a lot of love from a family friend

With most of the country still practicing social distancing and quarantine to some degree, you may have some extra downtime at home. With all of us at home with our families, many of us may be looking for some fun ideas to have fun with our loved ones. This list will teach you some fun tips and tricks to pulling pranks on your family members as well as teach you a few things you might not know about Josh.

The House is Alive

The best way to pull a fun prank on your family is by using our announcement feature. If you have not already tried this feature, it is really useful in many situations but also can be a lot of fun. This can be done in a few different ways.

The first way is to simply ask your Micro to, “Announce [room name here] [what you want the Micro to announce here].” This will trigger the Micro in a specific location to announce whatever you want it to say. An example would be:

“Announce everywhere it is dinner time.”

You can also do this by typing the command into the web portal or your IOS app remotely to give an announcement. I have had some fun with this by having my Micro announce that “I will be coming home at 5” remotely to my unsuspecting girlfriend. You can also use this feature by typing it into the custom command box on a scene. You can get really creative with this by using scene timers and by triggering these fun scenes on unsuspecting family members.

The House Has a Mind of Its Own

Triggering scenes on unsuspecting family members is one of my favorite pranks to pull. One of my all-time favorites is setting up scenes to play the most hilarious and bizarre music either on command or at a specified time. I got the idea when one of my roommates in college used to play music in his room and then lock the door so no one could turn off the music. I used this same concept to start music in a room that has access to music but no Micro, so it was more difficult to turn off. Some personal favorites are blasting holiday music at random times.

Story Time

Lastly, I want to mention a family-friendly way to use Josh that is not really a prank (however, it can be used as one). Many people do not know that you can ask Josh to tell you a story or a joke. This is very simple to use, and if you have not used this before, simply ask Josh to tell you a joke or story. Josh will then tell you a random joke or story (family-friendly). This can, however, be used in scenes or triggered anywhere to give people a random and surprising joke or story!

I hope you can use these fun pranks at home to show that Josh can not only be your personal assistant, but also to have some fun around the house. I have used all of these myself and get a good laugh every time. If anyone uses these pranks and happens to capture it on camera, we would love to see the creativity you can come up with. Email us at when you capture it.

This article was written by Connor at in Santa Monica, where he focuses on Technical Partner Support. He recently moved from Seattle where he worked at a Fintech Startup. In his free time Connor loves to play poker and go snowboarding. is an artificial intelligence agent for your home. If you’re interested in learning more, visit us at

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